It's getting colder every day. By morning, severe frosts at the height of Gunsa, and this is only 3400 meters. In the direction of the pass we left at 8 am and in an hour we reached the dense rhododendron forest to the tundra. The trail is comfortable, but quite steep in places. We reached the planned place of spending the night by 11:30. I wanted to go further, but it turned out to be too far to the next place where you can spend the night.

The weather is clearly changing and not for the better. Everything was covered with clouds by 11 am, a very cold wind and even when the sun peeps out it does not get warmer. I hope that tomorrow we will pass the pass without snow.

There is absolutely nothing to do in this camp. There is no electricity and communication, only dalbat from food. All the surroundings are in the clouds, there is nothing to stare at. The houses are all with a bunch of cracks on the street, you can’t hide in them from the cold.