0 degrees in the morning. The lawn in front of the loggia was covered with frost. Well, yes, in these parts it is already autumn, which is noticeable by the yellowed needles of larches.

The dense forest gradually turned into thickets of rhododendrons, larch and juniper. The sun also came out at about 10 am, but it did not get hot.
The gorge has become wider, the river now flows not in a narrow canyon, but among many cobblestones, once brought by a glacier. The landscape is more and more severe, by lunchtime the forest is completely over and all around is only tundra with liquid shrubs.

But snow-capped peaks were visible. The main peaks of Kanchenjunga are still not visible, but other peaks of the massif are visible. Their appearance is impregnable.
In the place of our overnight stay, food is tight again. There is almost nothing, one dalbat or pasta with nothing. Dalbat is probably preferable, especially considering that you can traditionally ask for more dalbat with almost no restrictions.
There is no electricity here either, I am trying to recharge from the solar battery. I more or less coped with the phones, but at 14:30 the sun irreversibly went behind the mountain.
I took a few photos of a beautiful sunset and already in the dark I shot Jannu Peak by the light of the moon. I hope that beautiful shots turned out, it is difficult to evaluate the result on the camera screen.